Tuesday 31 March 2015

Our Default OU and Group Policy Structure

Over the years between our experiences with the Small Business Server Organizational Unit (OU) and Group Policy Object (GPO) structures plus wearing out a few copies of Jeremy Moskowitz’s books we’ve come to hone our Group Policy configurations down to an _almost_ science. ;)

Today, with our own Small Business Solution (SBS) in production we use the following OU and GPO structure as a starting point:

imageWe tailor all GPO settings around the intended recipient of those settings.

We use the WMI filters to delineate desktop OS versus Server and DC based operating systems. Note that the GPOs for those two sets of systems are not present in the above snip.

They would be:

  • Default Update Services Client Computers Policy
  • Default Update Services Server Computers Policy

Both enable Client-Side Targeting for WSUS managed updating.

NOTE: We _never_ edit the Default Domain Policy or the Default Domain Controllers Policy. EVER!

When we need something we create the GPO and link it to the OU containing the intended recipient objects or we scope the GPO via Security Group membership.

Some GP Pearls

All GPOs scoped to computers have the User Configuration settings disabled while GPOs scoped to users have the Computer Configuration settings disabled.


We don’t use Group Policy Loopback Processing. There’s just too much room for unintended consequences. Our structure above gives us the flexibility we need to hone our GPO settings down to a user or computer if need be.

Filters are OU membership, Security Group membership, or WMI Filtering.

GPO settings are like Cascading Style Sheets. Settings cascade from the domain level down through the OU structure to the recipient object. The closer the GPO to that object the more weight that GPO’s settings have.

We do not duplicate settings or put opposite settings in GPOs further down the OU structure. We create and link our GPOs accordingly.

We always enable the Group Policy Central Store (blog post) on our DCs. This makes things so much easier in the long run!

We always enable the AD Recycle Bin and if at all possible have the Forest and Domain at the latest available OS version level.

We test any intended changes we intend to make in a lab setting on a restored version of our client’s networks first! We test _any_ and _all_ intended settings changes/additions in a lab first!

Philip Elder
Microsoft Cluster MVP
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

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