Thursday 9 August 2018

PowerShell: Add-Computer Error when Specifying OUPath: The parameter is incorrect FIX

We're in the process of setting up a second 2-node Kepler-64 cluster when we hit this when running the Add-Computer PowerShell to domain join a node:

Add-Computer : Computer 'S2D-Node03' failed to join domain 'Corp.Domain.Com from its current
workgroup 'WORKGROUP' with following error message: The parameter is incorrect.
At line:1 char:1
+ Add-Computer -Domain Corp.Domain.Com -Credential Corp\DomainAdmin -OUPath  …
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     + CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (S2D-Node03:String) [Add-Computer], InvalidOperation
     + FullyQualifiedErrorId : FailToJoinDomainFromWorkgroup,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.AddComp

The PowerShell line it's complaining about is this one:

Add-Computer -Domain Corp.Domain.Com -Credential Corp\DomainAdmin -OUPath "OU=S2D-OpenNodes,OU=S2D-Clusters,DC=Corp,DC=Domain,DC-Com" -Restart

Do you see it ? ;)

The correct PoSh for this step is actually:

Add-Computer -Domain Corp.Domain.Com -Credential Corp\DomainAdmin -OUPath "OU=S2D-OpenNodes,OU=S2D-Clusters,DC=Corp,DC=Domain,DC=Com" -Restart

When specifying the OUPath option if there is any typo in that setting the nondescript error is "The parameter is incorrect."

We always prefer to drop a server or desktop right into their respective OU containers as that allows our Group Policy settings to take giving us full access upon reboot and more.

Philip Elder
Microsoft High Availability MVP
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book !
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