Monday 19 August 2013

Server 2012–Unidentified Network with Team Set As Public

This is a bit of a frustrating problem:


After setting up the team things were fine.

However, after a reboot the server has disappeared on the network.

After logging in we see that the team is active but the network is unidentified and the firewall is on Public:


Restart the Network Location Awareness service:


Then hit refresh in the Firewall MMC:


And refresh in NCPA.CPL (Network Connections):


It turns out that in situations where a Windows Server 2012 native NIC team is set up the Network Location Awareness service should be set to Automatic (Delayed Start) to give the team time to start!


Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

Chef de partie in the SMBKitchen
Find out more at

Windows Live Writer


Shayne Kawalilak said...

Wow... great timing on this little gem... we just spend an hour looking for a workaround to this last week... we will be correcting our solution with yours to confirm it works in our environment. Our "hack" (for lack of a better word) was not a great work around but it did solve the problem. Your solution has a little more grace.

Anonymous said...

Thanks alot for this post, it solved by issue.

Shan U. said...

Perfect, working again.
Thx for your solution.

Regards Shan.U

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this solution!

Anonymous said...

In my work environment, we use Windows 2012 servers, where we are experiencing same issue, we bounce the NIC of server to bring it back to network.