Tuesday 29 April 2014

QuickBooks: Save Open Windows For Next Session

Search Foo was turning up literally nothing on how to set a window, in this case Create Invoices, in QuickBooks to open by default the next time the company file was opened.


Because we invoice on the fly. When QuickBooks gets opened via RemoteApp it could be a bad thing to have things like vendor windows open, product properties with pricing opened, and so much more while the client is standing right there.

An ask via Intuit's Twitter account turned up the following resolution:


  • Edit --> Preferences --> Desktop View --> Desktop: Save when closing company

When the above window was opened the setting was "Don't save the desktop" which was a bit frustrating.

Prior to our upgrade to version 2013 the only window that would open was Create Invoices. After our upgrade that somehow was lost with any searching, when the thought arouse to look, turning up nothing due to improper search terms.

We can now safely open QuickBooks anywhere we are working to fire off an invoice via e-mail right there and then.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Cluster MVP
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

Chef de partie in the SMBKitchen ASP Project
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