Tuesday 20 May 2014

Some Mandatory Reading for Sys Admins

There have been some critical human attributable error related news stories that we have seen lately.

Many of us, if not all of us, have had situations that have had negative impacts on our client's networks or our own networks due to something we did or did not do.

The following four links come via the Patch Management list serve (Ben S.):

As with anything out there on the Interwebs take a PDF of the four parts to keep them safe. :)

There are many pearls of wisdom contained in the above pages as well as some humorous stories that we _all_ can relate to.

  • Lesson #1: Learn from our mistakes
  • Lesson #2: Keep a detailed history of our mistakes
  • Lesson #3: Learn from our mistakes

When we make a mistake that directly impacts our clients we make sure to apologize and make some sort of restitution offer to them.

Contrary to some folks that claim that admitting mistakes can kill a business we have found over the years that being honest with our clients actually builds up their trust in us.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Cluster MVP
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

Chef de partie in the SMBKitchen ASP Project
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Third Tier: Enterprise Solutions for Small Business

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