Friday 12 September 2014

MANDATORY: Intel JBOD2224S2DP Firmware Update for Same Enclosure ID Storage Spaces Problem

Intel has released a new firmware for the Intel JBOD2224S2DP storage enclosure that deals with the enclosure delivering the same Enclosure ID to Windows Server 2012 R2 Storage Spaces.

Why is this firmware mandatory?

Because up until now when two or more Intel JBOD2224S2DP units were connected to Scale-Out File Server nodes and one ran the Get-StorageEnclosure PowerShell command one would get the same ID back for every one.

The firmware problem killed Storage Spaces enclosure resilience. What is that you ask?

In Storage Spaces, with a Two-Way or Three-Way mirror one can have three enclosures set up to allow one to drop out completely and things keep going.

If one has configured five enclosures with a Three-Way Mirror then the Storage Spaces setup can tolerate two enclosures dropping out.

If the Intel JBOD unit is already in a production setting with plans to add more enclosures at a later date then it is important to note that this firmware update would be required prior to adding the new units.

For new setups, this firmware update should be a part of the preparation steps for the JBOD prior to implementation or baseline testing.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Cluster MVP
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book
Chef de partie in the SMBKitchen ASP Project
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Third Tier: Enterprise Solutions for Small Business


Anonymous said...

I have four JBOD2224S2DP to four HBAs in one server. In addition to13.0.9_Update_Package you link to, there is Intel Technical Advisory TA-1042-2: JBOD2224S2DP may show the incorrect system Enclosure IDs, which requires exchange of power distribution boards if MPIO or Clustering is used. These are great, low cost and reliable storage shelves, and because there's no chips between the backplane and the drive, they work well at 12GGbs. Still working out the bugs, though. Still getting duplicated drive id and enclosure id. Will get back to you when I do more investigation.

Philip Elder Cluster MVP said...


Yeah, the TA does indicate a change of PCB would be required.

TA is here:

Is MPIO enabled in the OS to compensate for the dual pathways?