Wednesday 16 December 2009

Intel Hot Swap 2.5” to 3.5” Adapter Tray Enables Intel SSD Hot Swap RAID – AXX25DRVADPTR

We had a really difficult time getting our hands on these adapters:


The adapter is actually upside down in the above image.

Flipped over, the SATA and power connectors on the 2.5” drive line up perfectly with the hot swap backplane connector to allow for the smaller drive to be used in 3.5” drive hot swap backplanes.

With these trays we can look at configuring a RAID 1 array or RAID 10 array of SSDs for I/O intensive needs for things such as OS or Exchange databases.

We can also offer an option to update some of our existing client servers with these trays and a couple of Intel SSDs to speed things up significantly.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*Our original iMac was stolen (previous blog post). We now have a new MacBook Pro courtesy of Vlad Mazek, owner of OWN.

Windows Live Writer

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