Monday 16 April 2007

SBS and moving Data folders.

On one particular SBS server, I have a need to free up the system partition. We have installed an additional pair of drives in a RAID 1 array to provide a dedicated data storage partition.

After a bit of searching, I came up with: Moving Data Folders for Windows Small Business Server 2003.

A Word document provides all of the necessary steps to move any of the SBS required folders and data such as the User's shared folder.

A complete list of data folders or files that can be moved:
  • Users Shared Folders
  • SharePoint Databases.
  • Monitoring Database.
  • Exchange Databases and Log Files.
  • Sent Faxes Folder.
  • ClientApps Shared Folder.
Of course, test the methodology within your virtualized SBS environment first!

A direct download of the document can be found here: SBS_MoveDataFolders.doc (.DOC)

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists

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