Tuesday 11 December 2012

Skype and Live IM on Windows 8 Not Playing Nice Together

We have both Skype and MSN (Messenger on Win8) going with messages showing on one and sometimes in the other.


The above snip is from Skype on Windows 8. Messages sent via IM Messaging in Windows 8 appear on other system’s IM and Skype but for some reason Skype messages sent via Skype on this Windows 8 system do not.

If we are to drop MSN Messenger/Live Messenger altogether one would hope that the system’s bugs will be worked out.

For now, we will continue to run both service clients on this system and others until messages sent via either client show up 100% on the other.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

Windows Live Writer

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