Saturday 14 January 2012

Try Filling an Air Swimmer–Helium is in Short Supply?

The first time we saw one of these videos we put getting one of the Air Swimmers on our To Get list.

Air Swimmers Are Kewl!

We just picked one up this week and low and behold we found out that Helium which cannot be synthesized is in short supply around the world (Bing Search)!

We ended up calling around to the various party stores and party rental places see if we could find some helium to fill up the balloon portion of the Air Swimmer with mixed results.

Apparently no one sells the standalone bottles of helium anymore. We can “rent” a bottle to fill it up and then some but the cost for that was quite expensive.

A gentlemen took the time to fill me in on all aspects of helium and the struggles the party industry has with obtaining it from The Balloon Gang here in Edmonton (Yelp page). He gave us a price to fill up the Air Swimmer that was pretty reasonable.

Since he took the time to explain things we will make sure to support his store when it comes time to fill up the Air Swimmer.

It makes us wonder whether our grandchildren will have the chance to get helium filled balloons for their birthday?

Or perhaps we will see Hydrogen making a comeback? Probably not given its volatile nature.

Another option may be to make a Chinese Lantern and light it outside to watch it float upwards.

For now we will make the trip to The Balloon Gang to fill up the Air Swimmer. :)

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*Our original iMac was stolen (previous blog post). We now have a new MacBook Pro courtesy of Vlad Mazek, owner of OWN.

Windows Live Writer

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