Saturday 24 January 2009

Word 2007 - APA, MLA, and other Styles Built-In!

I started my stint in University later in life. The word processor of the day was WordPerfect 5.x, and I needed to write my course papers in the American Psychological Association format since I was studying Psychology as one on my majors.

Getting a document APA formatted in any word processor at that that time was mental gymnastics with some ability to template things. But, getting there was a lot of fun to say the least.

Those days are gone now:

APA, MLA, and other writing styles built right in

The APA and MLA (another common Arts major writing style) styles, and their particular formatting peculiarities, are built right into Word 2007.

If that is not an incentive to upgrade to Word 2007, then certainly the built-in styles plus student pricing for Microsoft products should be a clincher!

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists

*All Mac on SBS posts are posted on our in-house iMac via the Safari Web browser.

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