Wednesday 11 May 2011

Microsoft’s Big Easy Offer v6

The Big Easy Offer is back.


We have a number of client’s Open Value Agreements (OVA) and a couple of Open Value Subscriptions (OVS) due during this time period.

For those with Open Value Agreements, they will see 15% of the agreement back in subsidy dollars.

For those with Open Value Subscriptions we will not be continuing on with the program except in the case where the client does not care to own the licenses and appreciates the lower payments.

We requested a quote from our distribution contact for the license buyout pricing for a client’s expiring OVS and were deeply disappointed by the prices on the license buyout. It seemed to us that the previous three years of subscription payments had no merit at all when looking at those prices.

We then had our distribution contact price out a new Open Value Agreement with licenses plus software assurance and saw that OVA was the better route to go in the long run. When the new OVA expires in three years we can keep those licenses and renew with a new OVA and Software Assurance only on them. The SA only OVA will reduce the overall cost of the agreement going forward.


Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*Our original iMac was stolen (previous blog post). We now have a new MacBook Pro courtesy of Vlad Mazek, owner of OWN.

Windows Live Writer

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