Wednesday 21 March 2012

Toshiba Finger Print Utility Error: Duplicate Records Already Exist

During a reload of the Windows 7 OS on the Toshiba Portege Z830 the Finger Print Utility kept throwing an error when we tried to set up the finger print log on.

Finger Print Utility: Error: Operation Failed. Duplicate templates already exist.

Well, that’s almost impossible unless there was something written to the BIOS/TPM set up.

Suggestions to use the Toshiba Security Assist utility failed.

The process to reset things turned out to be quite easy:

  1. Start the enrollment process.
  2. Cancel it.
  3. In the Utility Export to file.
    1. Set a password and file path.
  4. Import from that file.
  5. Run the Enrollment process again.

If there is a hiccup saving the new fingerprints make sure to elevate by clicking the Run As Administrator button on the bottom of the utility window.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*Our original iMac was stolen (previous blog post). We now have a new MacBook Pro courtesy of Vlad Mazek, owner of OWN.

Windows Live Writer


Anonymous said...

Thanks. It worked.

Anonymous said...

It works, even on windows 8. Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks. For me it works =)

Anonymous said...

It worked for me as well. Thank you very much!

Anonymous said...

Thank you. This is the only way I was able to fix it.

Anonymous said...

I owe you a bear mate :)

Unknown said...

I have this problem,with reload of Windows 7 on Toshiba R830, but the fix does not work, because the "export to file" option is grayed out

Noam said...

for me it didn't work, kept giving the same error. But the thing that worked was actually very simple, but took me some time to find:
- go to "fingerprint control"
- click "delete all" at the bottom
- enroll again

Anonymous said...

Hi all,

I had same problem with fingerprint. When I done new installation of windows and forgot to delete fingerprints in the software, after that I can't register same fingerprints.
I confirm that this way working only on windows 7, in windows 8.1 is not working.

Youpla said...

Thanks, it worked for me on Windows 7.
At first the export button was grayed. So I restarted the enroll process as admin and it worked.

peerasud said...

I had a same problem , it dose't work on Windows 10 too.