Wednesday 9 September 2009

SBS 2008 BPA Error – EdgeTransport.exe process should listen on SMTP port 25.

We have started seeing some of our SBS 2008 sites come up with this interesting flag in the SBS 2008 Best Practices Analyzer:

09-09-07 SBS BPA - SMTP and WSUS RTM Errors

SMTP Port (TCP 25) Status

The Edgetransport.exe process should listen on SMTP port 25, but that port is owned by the _ process.

Note that there is no name associated with whatever the supposed process is that is holding port 25.

When we did a Telnet test to the SMTP port 25 the ESMTP header showed up which indicated that Exchange was listening and happy.

It has been suggested that this error is due to the IP settings on the Receive Connectors listed in the Server Configuration node’s Hub Transport not being assigned to a specific value but instead to “All available”.

After going through each of the connectors we did indeed find the one we created for the copiers to relay e-mail via Exchange:


So, we changed the setting on the server to the server’s IP:


We then restarted the Exchange Transport service:


Then we reran the SBS 2008 BPA:


It seems that Exchange 2007 UR3 brings this situation about as the BPA has been somewhat happy on this server since we implemented it. So, the suggestion was indeed correct.

Thanks to Chris Puckett for that one.

We tend to run the SBS BPA after each round of updates just to make sure nothing was taken out of kilter by the updates. Also, running the BPA on a regular basis is a good idea so that it can update itself and thus catch anything else that may require attention.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*All Mac on SBS posts will not be written on a Mac until we replace our now missing iMac! (previous blog post)

Windows Live Writer

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