Monday 12 February 2007

Windows XP - Installling Windows Desktop Search - Error

I was attempting to install Microsoft's Windows Desktop Search on my current XP Pro SP2 machine.

This is what I received:

So, onto the log file as indicated in the error:

There is a lot there. A few key words about admin rights in there caught my eye.

I am a local admin on this machine, but it may be asking for more rights than I currently have.

So, I logged off, logged back in as the domain administrator, and voila, the setup completes!

It is now installed. While I was at it, I installed the UNC add-in for networked drive search, and the Outlook Saved Mail add-in.

So far, it seems to have a similar functionality as the search feature built into Vista.

Downloads are available here:
Windows Desktop Search 3.0 for XP
Windows Desktop Search 3.0 for Server 2003
Windows Desktop Search: Add-in for Files on Microsoft Networks
Windows Desktop Search: Add-in for Outlook saved mail (.msg file) indexing

And finally, you can browse the search results for Windows Desktop Search on Microsoft's download site here.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists


Anonymous said...

hi, if you want to have a fast search tool for Outlook, you also could try Lookeen. this tool is faster and better than WDS.

And it does not produce errors on install :)

You find it under

Philip Elder Cluster MVP said...


For production environments we try to limit any third party involvement as much as possible.

In the long run this leads to a similar setup across all networks supported making troubleshooting stability issues that much easier to do.

Thanks for the comment,


ben said...

"For production environments we try to limit any third party involvement as much as possible"...I really can't understand this point. I work in the IT business and in my opinion, you should collect these progs, which work out fine together. it isn't proved, that these progs should be from the same publisher.
we also work with lookeen (which is according to popular apprehension a really nice search tool) and we search as comfortable as never before. it dosent't interfere with no other there is obviously no problem :)
