Friday 28 January 2011

One of the things that kept me busy this week.

In the various parts of Canada we have had all sorts of whacky weather. Out West here we have have a lot of snow.

In our area we had about 24” (60cm) of snow in a very short period of time. The snow was fine and densely packed everywhere so my concern was towards the weight of it on our home’s roof.

A friend and I took care of removing all of the snow off of the roof of our small bungalow this week when the weather warmed up from –25 Celsius temps we had been seeing the previous weeks.


Here I am digging out the front door’s pile. We used that pile to heighten a pile I had already made just to my right. The kids have been using that other pile for a sled run. By the time we were done shovelling out the front door out the kid’s sled run was well over the eavestroughs . . . that brought a huge smile to their faces! :)

We figure that between the three huge piles we created that we pulled at least a couple of tons of the snow off of the roof. About half of it averaged around 2.5’ (45cm) while the other half averaged about 3.5’ (105cm).

Supposedly things are going to cool off again as it is a balmy +3 Celsius right now and we are going to get a lot more snow! Yay! :|

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*Our original iMac was stolen (previous blog post). We now have a new MacBook Pro courtesy of Vlad Mazek, owner of OWN.

Windows Live Writer


Unknown said...

What is that white stuff?? I am preparing for the week ahead, 2 cyclones on the way. 32 Celsius and 80-90% humidity with rain, wind and power failures all coming this week.
If it gets too cold, come to Far North Queensland!!! (how do you keep your servers running when the power fails and the UPS keeps running out??)

Philip Elder Cluster MVP said...


We have certainly seen a lot of the ongoing flooding down under on the news here.

We certainly hope that all fairs well with everyone struggling with the flooding!
