Thursday 14 February 2013

Royal Bank of Canada Business VISA – Electronic Statements Available with Live Balances . . . Finally

One of our alternate financial institution’s credit cards has had online statements and live available credit balance for years.

It’s good to see that the Royal Bank of Canada has just enabled electronic statements for our business VISA card.

So, instead of having to run all 12 month’s worth of VISA statements through the ScanSnap 1400 to create PDF documents we can download them straight out of the bank’s online portal.

We are most certainly glad to see that the bank is catching up with the smaller institutions that have had these features for a few years now. :)

Now, to figure out how to stop all of the RBC statement/billing notifications that come to our e-mail address.

They should be off by default. Folks need to take a bit of initiative with online banking so that the Phishing folks don’t have a leg to stand on.

And one more thing, it’s a good idea to subscribe to a credit bureau’s quarterly credit report along with the ability to be notified any time a credit search hit has been done against one’s credit profile. It’s one of the ways we can protect ourselves against identity theft.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

Chef de partie in the SMBKitchen
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