Tuesday 10 January 2017

Server 2016 January 10 Update: KB3213986 – Cluster Service May Not Start Automatically Post Reboot

The January 10, 2017 update package (KB3213986) has a _huge_ caveat for those updating clusters especially with Cluster Aware Updating:

Known issues in this update:

The Cluster Service may not start automatically on the first reboot after applying the update.

Workaround is to either start the Cluster Service with the Start-ClusterNode PowerShell cmdlet or to reboot the node.

For those managing large cluster deploys this situation definitely leads to a need to evaluate the update procedure for this particular update.

Please keep this in mind when scheduling this particular update and have update resources set up to mitigate the problem.

Note that as of this writing, the cluster service stall on reboot is a one-time deal as far as we know. Meaning, once the update has been completed and the node has successfully joined the cluster there should be no further issues.

Philip Elder
Microsoft High Availability MVP
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book
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