Wednesday 31 March 2010

Moving The AutoDesk Vault Out of SQL 2005 Express On Windows XP Pro And Into SQL 2008 Standard

We have been having a bit of an adventure taking a client’s maxed SQL 2005 Express based AutoDesk Vault 2008 database content into a full SQL 2008 Standard database structure and then tying it into AutoDesk Vault 2009 and AutoDesk DMS 2009.

Note that an overview of the actual steps to get things going happen at the bottom of the post. What follows is the ongoing odyssey that we have had trying to follow the various AutoDesk instructions and posts online that we pulled up for the various errors we encountered.

It is important to have the Advanced Configuration Guide at hand for this process. Note that the link below is a search for it since any links on the AutoDesk forums seem to be broken:

The SQL instance upgrade  process required is as follows:

  1. Install SQL 2008 Express and Upgrade the AutoDeskVault instance.
    • image
  2. Upgrade the SQL 2008 Express instance using the SQL 2008 Standard install routine in maintenance mode.
    • image
    • Note the version difference between the two screenshots.

Now, in this case the Vault and its respective database are running on top of Windows XP Professional. So, we end up with the following when running SQL 2008 Standard in maintenance mode to upgrade the instance:

image As a result, we took the safe route and did the following:

  1. Installed SQL 2008 Express x64 on the soon to be SQL 2008 Standard server
  2. Detached the databases from the workstation SQL 2008 Express AutoDeskVault instance
  3. Copied them over to the SQL 2008 server
  4. Install SQL 2008 Express Edition:
    1. image
    2. image 
    3. image
    4. image
    5. image
    6. image   
  5. Attach the AutoDesk Vault and other databases to SQL 2008 Express now installed on the server.
  6. Run the maintenance mode install routine from the SQL 2008 Standard DVD to upgrade the AutoDeskVault instance.
  7. Reset the SA password to the AutoDesk defaults just in case.

Make sure that if SQL 2005 Management Express is installed that it is removed before installing the SQL 2008 Management Express tools.

There are also some key steps that need to happen on the SQL 2008 Standard instance such as disabling the password security features and more.

As always, it is a good idea to make sure to read through the documentation carefully and then work them to the particular circumstances we happen to be in! ;)


This post has been sitting open since we started this whole process this yesterday!

It turns out that we were bitten by the SQL 2008 Standard _For Small Business_ bug. How is that?

Well, we went to do the Edition Upgrade via the SQL Server Installation Center:


We keyed in our product key and ran through _all_ of the steps until we hit a roadblock that said we were unable to install the current SQL edition on the OS we were installing it on.

That really took us for a loop as we had already gone through and installed this particular SQL 2008 Standard (now for Small Business) on its own with no problems.

So, we ended up detaching the Vault databases from the SQL 2008 Express that we had installed on the server (we were following the AutoDesk instructions to the letter), moving the databases into a safe place, uninstalling SQL 2008 Express, installing SQL 2008 Standard for Small Business, and reattaching the databases.

From there, we installed the AutoDesk Data Management Server. Note that disk swaps are a part of the install process!

Or so we thought …


There is some cleanup that needs to happen before we can move forward.

So, we deleted:


Click the Re-test button and:


When we checked the SQL DATA folder to make sure it was empty we found nothing, so the second part of the error must be the one.

And so it was:


Now, we are talking about _25GB_ of file storage here. So, we will rename the \ProgramData\Autodesk root folder to Autodesk – Old and retry.


TIP: We always label the OS partition after the server name, that is why the label in the above screenshot is greyed out. This gives us an at-a-glance “which server am I on?” look which comes in handy when managing large numbers of servers throughout the day.

We are now good to go:


And subsequently:


And, finally we are greeted with a successful ADMS 2009 install:


When we fired up the ADMS 2009 console we received:


Pre-existing Database(s) Detected 

Once the process completed we had a fresh ADMS 2009 install using fresh databases.

To get the Vault data in, we needed to detach the fresh Vault and the fresh KnowledgeVaultMaster databases in ADMS.

First, the fresh Vault:


Vault “Vault” was successfully detached.

The view from within the SQL Management Studio for the AUTODESKVAULT instance:


So, the ADMS detach actually removes the database from the instance.

From there:


Vault “KnowledgVaultMaster” was successfully detached.

And again from within the SQL Management Studio:


So, before we go and attach the original databases, we moved the needed databases into the SQL DATA folder, and then the VaultServer\FileStore content into the new location.

Once the FileStore move has completed, we go to Attach Master Vault _in_ ADMS:


And the actual database and log files before being attached in Windows Explorer:


In ADMS we receive an error:image


Cannot attach database ‘KnowledgeVaultMaster’ since it is of the wrong database type.

Ouch. So, off to the SQL Management Studio we go to attach the database manually.

After manually attaching the Db via SQL Management Studio and reopening ADMS 2009 we received:


Your Vault Master database appears to be out of date. You need to migrate before continuing. Would you like to migrate now? Choosing ‘No’ will exit the server console.

Okay, so we need to figure out how to get the setup to recognize that the server name has been changed!

We ended up with another error!



If server ‘<servername>’ is intended to be a member of a replicated environment, please install Autodesk Productstream Replicator. If this computer has been recently renamed, please update the site via the server console command line options.

The command line was a bit of a task to find since we could not get into the ADMS 2009 console on our SQL server and our virtualized ADMS 2008 PC we are using as a reference does not bring anything relevant up in the help topics?!?

Here we find the proper syntax:

  We ran the command line to get things going and it did not work:


Autodesk Data Management Server Console 2009

The database must be the same version as this Autodesk data management server, but the migration process failed to update the database to the same level as the server.

This indicates a serious problem with your server installation – the server console will now exit.

So, after all of this, here we sit with nothing in hand but an installed instance of SQL 2008 Standard for Small Business named AUTODESKVAULT, and an ADMS 2009 console that refuses to work with any database and Vault File Content configuration we throw at it.

It _will_ open if no databases are attached to the AUTODESEKVAULT instance though. And, therein lies the clue to what we needed to do.

The Solution

While all of this was going on, we were able to finally clean up the original machine running as a VM on one of our Hyper-V servers here in the shop to get a successful ADMS backup! This, after updating the VM’s SQL 2005 Express with SQL 2008 Express too.

So, we transported that backup back to the client and ran the restore into ADMS 2009. We needed to make sure that the SQL DATA directory was empty as well as the FileStore location before running the restore.

After two to three hours we received:


Autodesk Data Management Server Console 2009

The restore operation has been successfully finished.

Wow! We were finally somewhere close to bringing this setup back online!

And we did . . . finally!

An overview of the path from start to an actual finish for the process we needed to use:

  1. ShadowProtect backup the workstation AI and ADMS are installed on.
  2. Restore that SP image to VM.
  3. Run ADMS backup to USB or network location.
  4. Install SQL 2008 Express and upgrade the AUTODESKVAULT instance to SQL 2008.
  5. Run ADMS backup to USB or network location
    • Yes, we will have two backups! One before being touched and one after.
  6. Install standalone server OS and update.
  7. Install SQL 2008 Standard for Small Business AUTODESKVAULT instance.
    1. Install in Windows/SQL Authentication Mixed Mode
    2. Set the SA password to the required AutoDesk default.
  8. Install the latest SQL 2008 service pack and updates.
  9. Install ADMS 2009 (2010 may work the same way).
    1. It will discover the SQL instance and use it.
  10. In ADMS detach the new Vault.
  11. In ADMS detach the new KnowledgeVaultMaster.
  12. In ADMS, right click on the root folder and click on Restore.
  13. Navigate to the backup folder created earlier and choose it.
    • image
  14. Once complete, a message will indicate that the restore was either successful or had failed.
    1. If successful, the needed databases will now be found in the SQL DATA folder on the server and in SQL Management Studio Express.
    2. Database user permissions will be restructured according to the new server setup.
  15. Update the AutoDesk products on the workstations.
  16. Once complete, open the Vault Explorer on the workstation.
  17. Set the logon to Auto Logon.
  18. Right click on the root folder in the Vault and Get Entire Folder.
    • image
  19. Done.

The most significant roadblock we ran into in this process had to do with the break in following the AutoDesk instructions to the letter. Because of the SQL version we had, which any SBS 2008 Premium site will have BTW, we were unable to complete the Edition Upgrade step.

This is one place where running the scenario virtually first would have saved us a lot of time when it came time to run the changes on the production network.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*Our original iMac was stolen (previous blog post). We now have a new MacBook Pro courtesy of Vlad Mazek, owner of OWN.

Windows Live Writer

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Update Those Inbound SMTP IP Subnet Restrictions If Using ExchangeDefender

Vlad has brought new data centre online to accommodate the growth of his ExchangeDefender and other online businesses.

As a result, for those of us that use ExchangeDefender (we use them exclusively for e-mail sanitation and continuity), we needed to update our SMTP inbound filters to allow for the new servers that have come online.

Our SBS 2003 R2 Premium configuration in ISA 2004 SP3:


The Deployment Guide has the current IP subnet listed here:

OWN’s Network Operations blog: OWN Network Operations.

The original blog NOC post: ExchangeDefender Grows Again.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*Our original iMac was stolen (previous blog post). We now have a new MacBook Pro courtesy of Vlad Mazek, owner of OWN.

Windows Live Writer

Saturday 27 March 2010

Quick Access to Hotfixes on the Blog and URL Tip

We have added a Hotfix quick link section to the right hand column of the blog.


The link will take us directly to the download page for that Hotfix:


From there, we punch in our e-mail address and the funky characters and we receive our Hotfix via e-mail in short order.

This will make it easier for us to grab a Hotfix that we may need if we don’t happen to have one of our Technician’s Thumb Drive with us.

The tip has to do with the URL format of the Hotfix page:


Note the number after the “=” and before the “&” in the above URL. That is the hotfix Knowledgebase number.

If there is a need to grab a couple of Hotfixes in a row, then change that number and be greeted by the needed Hotfix.

Thanks Susan!

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*Our original iMac was stolen (previous blog post). We now have a new MacBook Pro courtesy of Vlad Mazek, owner of OWN.

Windows Live Writer

Friday 26 March 2010

Updating Procedure for Hyper-V Cluster Nodes

To update the nodes running the Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 OS underneath it all, there are a couple of steps that need to happen before any updates can be applied.

  1. Live Migrate any VMs running on the node to be updated to another node.
  2. Migrate any cluster storage controlled by the node to be updated to another node.

To date, we have been using the native Hyper-V Management console along with the Failover Clustering Management (FCM) console to manage our Hyper-V based clusters.

We have not jumped into Virtual Machine Manager yet.

Once the node is cleared of any resources, run the needed updates on the node proper via direct KVM session.

In the case of the Intel Modular Server (IMS)*, the IMS’s Web management has a KVM facility built into it that is Java driven.

Once the node has completed its reboot cycle and shows as Online in the FCM, test Live Migrate a non-critical VM back onto the node to make sure everything is running as expected.

With that test complete, Live Migrate VMs and storage back onto the node.

Repeat for each node.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*The Intel Modular Server we are currently using has been graciously provided to us by Intel for demo and learning purposes.

*Our original iMac was stolen (previous blog post). We now have a new MacBook Pro courtesy of Vlad Mazek, owner of OWN.

Windows Live Writer

Thursday 25 March 2010

Acrobat 9.0 Standard Has How Many Updates?

As we go through and install Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Standard on a client’s workstations, the very next step after the install is to update the installation.


Now, Adobe’s updates are not cumulative which means we need to install each update in sequential order.

We mitigate the bandwidth issue by having a copy of the updates, yes we have signed the agreement to do so with Adobe, or by downloading the updates to a network share via the first install and using those to install the rest.

Here they are as of this writing:


Yes, that is close to 500MB of updates in the folder.

So, the order to install is as follows:

  1. AcroProStdUpd910_T1T2_incr.msp
  2. AcrobatUpd912_all_incr.msp
  3. AcrobatUpd920_all_incr.msp
  4. AcrobatUpd930_all_incr.msp
  5. AcrobatUpd931_all_incr.msp

There is no need to reboot the system when warned to do so while running the updates. The final update may or may not ask to reboot. Once the updates are completed the workstation should be rebooted though.

Keep in mind that depending on speed of the system the updates may take a while.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*Our original iMac was stolen (previous blog post). We now have a new MacBook Pro courtesy of Vlad Mazek, owner of OWN.

Windows Live Writer

Wednesday 24 March 2010

The Difference Between OS Write-Back Caching and Hardware RAID Write-Back Caching

The biggest performance increase due to Write-Back cache (Write-Cache) is an add-in or on board RAID controller's ability to fetch data from memory that is being frequently read and written to.

The biggest drawback to that is the fact that the memory on the controller is volatile meaning that no power = no more data.

Add a battery backup to the controller and we now have a different story. Most controllers that have that option will enable Write-Back when the battery is installed and _fully_ charged ... and only then. There is a setting to force it enabled, but given the circumstances this is obviously a dangerous proposition.

There is also a form of Write-Back cache in the Windows OS. Witness the tray icon that we use to "eject" a USB drive connected to the system in order to properly remove it.


This is for the OS's Write-Back cache and _not_ the hardware RAID controller's Write-Back cache.

Hardware driven RAID 5 only makes sense when the RAID controller has Write-Back enabled and a battery backup in place. Otherwise, those parity bits really kill write performance. Double that hit for RAID 6. RAID 50 and 60 make up for that to some degree, but by that point RAID 10 is the way to go in most cases.

Adaptec is utilizing Intel's Extreme series 32GB SSD drives in a Write-Back Cache product they call MaxIQ.

Since SSD is non-volatile, meaning power loss does _not_ equal data loss, the MaxIQ solution makes a lot of sense. Performance improvements for Adaptec RAID cards to which a MaxIQ solution is attached to see _huge_ performance benefits. This improvement is very beneficial where the extra cost is made up for in the improved I/O performance hand over fist.

BTW, Adaptec Z series RAID also have non-volatile cache memory installed by default, so no need for a battery backup unit. Note that the Z series cache is not the same as the MaxIQ solution.

Just so we are clear, Write-Back in the RAID controller is not the same as Write-Back in the OS. And, by default, server OSs have their own Write-Back disabled. An OS cannot disable the RAID controller's Write-Back since this is a BIOS/firmware level setting done either directly in the RAID controller's BIOS console or via some sort of management software.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*Our original iMac was stolen (previous blog post). We now have a new MacBook Pro courtesy of Vlad Mazek, owner of OWN.

Windows Live Writer

An Updated Hyper-V Monitor Vista/7 Gadget And The Hyper-V Nehalem Update Status Is Good

The server we were having a great deal of issues with has been running since yesterday afternoon with no further freezes.

It looks as though version 4 of the update has truly dealt with the timing issue Hyper-V has with the Nehalem processors.

Also, the Windows sidebar gadget we have mentioned in the past has received a substantial update:


In addition to showing the available RAM on the Hyper-V server, we now see the CPU utilization as well as which VMs have Integration Services installed (green) and which ones do not (gold).


We also have the ability to TS into the Hyper-V box to manage it, open a VM direct desktop session, and manage the VM’s power status among other things.

This tool is truly useful for at-a-glance views of all Hyper-V servers running on the network. Shown is the one server, we just have not had the time to add the others we also have on our network.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*Our original iMac was stolen (previous blog post). We now have a new MacBook Pro courtesy of Vlad Mazek, owner of OWN.

Windows Live Writer

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Server’s Having A Bad Day When … CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT (101)

We lose it almost continually throughout the day.

This particular box is our first Intel SR1630HGP Server System with an Intel Xeon Processor 3460 and 16GB of RAM.

This is what the %windir%\MiniDump directory looks like right now:


Our handy Crash Analyzer Wizard that comes with our Software Assurance and MDOP benefits tell us:


Click on that Details button and we see:



An expected clock interrupt was not received on a secondary processor in an MP system within the allocated interval. This indicates that the specified processor is hung and not processing interrupts.
Arg1: 0000000000000019, Clock interrupt time out interval in nominal clock ticks.
Arg2: 0000000000000000, 0.
Arg3: fffff88001e5d180, The PRCB address of the hung processor.
Arg4: 0000000000000002, 0.

Now, it’s not like we have not seen this one before:

We did run the hotfix on the server a while back, but apparently that version was not good enough since we brought all off the server’s server board firmware and the RAID controller’s firmware up to date. We did this just before bringing it back online.

The above screenshot of the MiniDump directory does not do the situation justice as the server has frozen a lot more times than that . . . leading us to look at other options for the setup we need.

But then, apparently the KB975530 hotfix has received a newer version from what we found when searching to find any further info on the problem.

Here is a screenshot of the hotfix directory with our original update and the one that we just received:


There was not a lot of time between v3 and v4 with the time of this post being late March.

It now remains to be seen if this fourth iteration of the patch will actually straighten out the timing problem happening with the Nehalem CPUs.

The server:


This post has been sitting open for the last couple of hours while busy with other things. After consistently freezing today, the server has been up and running with the two server VMs and five desktop VMs without a hiccup.

Hopefully that will be the situation from now on!

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*Our original iMac was stolen (previous blog post). We now have a new MacBook Pro courtesy of Vlad Mazek, owner of OWN.

Windows Live Writer

Coffee Cup Security

How many of us have worked in an organization where our own favourite cup was stolen or “borrowed” by someone else?

For those of us that like our cups in the 18oz-24oz range this can be a regular problem.

Much like information or data security where we need to keep things all locked up with selected folks having the keys, in comes a neat little product concept by Efrat Gommeh (product Web site) that does the same for the coffee cup:


The “Lock-Cup” 

Here we find the perfect product that provides security for our daily cup of Tea or Java by assuring us that the cup will actually be there!


Unless of course some prankster decides to remove the grommet! :|

Keep that fingerprint kit handy! ;)

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*Our original iMac was stolen (previous blog post). We now have a new MacBook Pro courtesy of Vlad Mazek, owner of OWN.

Windows Live Writer

Windows 7 BSODs – RapportPG64.sys is the Culprit

To date, we have not encountered this product before:


The product is called Trusteer Rapport and looks to be installed by a bank . . . at least according to the product’s description.

Confirmation with the user is that the CIBC bank here in Canada (bank’s site) recommended that the product be installed.

The product’s site goes on to say:


Once installed, the Rapport application is virtually transparent and non-invasive.

However, since this product has been installed on a Windows 7 Ultimate x64 machine, it has caused no end of BSODs:


So, it is our recommendation that this product _not_ be installed, or if it is installed, to be aware of any system instability that has come about since that point.

No third party product eliminates the need for our users to be aware of the dangers and pitfalls of browsing the Internet on a machine where they have full admin rights . . . and how to mitigate that by having UAC on and their regular profile set up as a Standard User.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*Our original iMac was stolen (previous blog post). We now have a new MacBook Pro courtesy of Vlad Mazek, owner of OWN.

Windows Live Writer