Tuesday 14 July 2009

Mobile High Speed Internet – 3G Cellular Modem

We are in the process of equipping all of our technician laptops with a 3G modem.

This enables us to have a laptop at a client site and not need to plug into the client’s network where there are dedicated remote desktops available. We can remote in via RWW and work on the network that way.

We have not completed any tests of Network Access Protection on our SBS 2008 networks yet, so, we do not plug our laptops into any client network unless it is absolutely necessary whether SBS 2003 or SBS 2008 based.

The unit is a Sierra Wireless USB 598. It has a built-in flash drive that kicks in when the unit is plugged in that allows us to install the modem software and drivers via AutoPlay.

If the software and drivers are already on the laptop, the modem initializes and becomes available for connection to the Internet when plugged in to the USB port.


The connection speed was 3.1Mb/Sec (Megabits not Megabytes) during our first test on an old Toshiba running Windows 7 RC x86.


We did not sign into any long term contracts since the main CDMA players here in Canada are promising to have their new HSPA 4G networks available in time for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver.

The new network will be cross compatible with Rodger’s current network structures giving us access to the iPhone and other high speed goodies when this happens. :)

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*All Mac on SBS posts will not be written on a Mac until we replace our now missing iMac! (previous blog post)

Windows Live Writer


stryqx said...

A cheaper way of doing this is by having a 3G phone that can run WiFi hotspot software (you could even tether it).

Currently do this with a Nokia N95 and JoikuSpot. Saves me having to have yet another mobile plan for a 3G card and allows for multiple PCs to share a 3G connection.

Philip Elder Cluster MVP said...


We used to have hot spots all over, but now I do not see too many being advertised in the coffee and tea shops that I visit.

There are some in the hotels, but they usually require some sort of logon information to gain access.
