Friday 18 June 2010

Travel? AAA/CAA (AMA in AB) has Excellent Travel Insurance Plans

Just before our last family trip outside of Canada, I was chatting with a friend of mine, Kevin Atkey, about the flight costs and the travel insurance costs associated with the online vendors.

Up to that point, I had a number of trips into the US under my belt with the online merchant’s travel insurance being purchased for each trip.

He asked if I had an AMA (Alberta Motor Association) membership which I do for both Monique and myself. He indicated that he had an annual travel insurance plan that covered his whole family for any travel in the year of coverage for a very reasonable rate.

On my next visit to AMA I found out that the cost to cover my family for one year for any trip up to 15 days in length over that year of coverage cost the same as the sum of the previous two online merchant travel insurance packages.

Oops . . .

So, we picked up a family package that included the 15 days of travel coverage for medical, extraneous medical, dental, and more. The plan includes an option to extend coverage beyond the arbitrary 15 day limit on this particular plan as long as the exception is coordinated ahead of time.

Sometimes, the obvious is completely missed as was the case here. Fortunately, the cost of not asking the right people the right questions was minimal.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*Our original iMac was stolen (previous blog post). We now have a new MacBook Pro courtesy of Vlad Mazek, owner of OWN.

Windows Live Writer

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