Monday 7 April 2014

Allowing Expired or Forced Password Changes on RDWeb

When we deploy a greenfield Windows Server 2012 setup or migrate to one we always make the following small change to the RDWeb configuration:


  • IIS --> Sites --> Default Web Site --> RDWeb --> Pages --> Application Settings

This allows the user to change their password if it has expired which would otherwise be a helpdesk call.


When the user goes to log on to RDWeb they will see the following:


  • Your password is expired. Click here to change it.

Once they click the link:


The page will indicate the change was successful:


Click OK and the user will be directed back to the logon page.

When we access a user's profile for whatever reason we trigger a password change on the DC and they know to hit RDWeb to log on the first time if they are remote.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Cluster MVP
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

Chef de partie in the SMBKitchen ASP Project
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Third Tier: Enterprise Solutions for Small Business

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