Thursday 12 March 2009

Adobe Releases Version 9 Patch for Acrobat Vulnerability

The security bulletin is here: Security Updates available for Adobe Reader 9 and Acrobat 9.

While there were ways to somewhat protect ourselves from this one, many of them were difficult to implement without impacting business processes such as disabling Java within Acrobat.

Update links are contained in the above bulletin. Adobe’s automatic updates may catch the update if set to check for them.

Given the high priority of this update, it is a good idea to get them down onto the Technician’s Thumb Drive as well as on all of our client’s servers and get those Acrobat products patched!

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*All Mac on SBS posts will not be written on a Mac until we replace our now missing iMac! (previous blog post)

Windows Live Writer

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