Monday 18 April 2011

Microsoft Exam: 070-169 SBS 2011 Standard, Configuring Scheduled

We were so busy during the beta time period for the new SBS 2011 exam that there was no time left over to write it.

Given that we are gearing up for quite a few SBS 03 to SBS 11 migrations among other tasks we scheduled in the 070-169 SBS 2011 exam for the earliest possible date here in Edmonton which was May 12.

There are some seats available in Calgary for this month, but it is a three hour trip one way so that kind of time sacrifice is out of the question.

It looks as though the availability of the exam, at least for the next few months, looks to be quite limited in this geographical region.

So, if there are any plans to write the exam, now may be the time to check out its availability and schedule one accordingly.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*Our original iMac was stolen (previous blog post). We now have a new MacBook Pro courtesy of Vlad Mazek, owner of OWN.

Windows Live Writer


David Moisan said...

I sat for the beta (and passed) and it was, like most beta exams, very tightly scheduled to the point that if they had made me sit the next morning after the announcement I would have had to say, "why yes sir!", whether I knew the material or not.

(I had not yet gotten to use SBS 2011 when the beta exam was announced and I had to talk myself into it due to some pressing personal issues late last year. I didn't even get to use the software until New Year's Day.)

I always figured if you didn't pass it, then I would worry...

Philip Elder Cluster MVP said...


After passing the SBS 08 exam (not sure of the score), I was happy. I walked into that one a bit panicked about it as there were a number of product areas that I was quite weak at.

With SBS 11 I am not too worried since there is not a lot in the way of changes between SBS 08 and SBS 11. Yes, fundamentally there are, but the processes themselves have not changed a whole lot.

Our setup guide for both make that pretty clear.

Migration on the other hand has some changes due to Exchange 2010 and to some extent SharePoint.

I am glad to hear that you passed! :) Congrats!
