Tuesday 3 April 2012

Product Review: Microsoft Arc Keyboard

We picked up a Microsoft Arc keyboard to check it out.


Firstly, we do have a bit of a beef with Microsoft keyboards that gives Logitech the advantage: Where is the Mouse Right Click button?

On Logitech keyboards we can hit a key or combination of keys to bring up the right click menu wherever the mouse cursor happens to be. For keyboard users this is a big time saver.

Microsoft does not have that button on this keyboard. So, right away the mouse hand is moving back and forth between the mouse/touchpad and keyboard for that right click menu.

The keyboard itself looks to be purposed for mobile carrying as it is rather compact:


The SSD sitting on the keyboard is a standard 2.5” Intel 320 Series.

While it does take a bit to get use to the keyboard’s key layout due to the compact size and the arc of the key set once that hurdle is overcome it is actually quite easy to use.

The keys have a solid feel to them with excellent feedback. One knows that a key press has happened.

The catch with that for those of us that are used to keyboards with a much lower spring load in the keys is that we will miss a number of key strokes around the edges both due to that and the arc until we get use to using it.

In the end this keyboard is great for mobile folks that require the ability to type a lot of information into their systems.

As far as being a daily driver the Logitech MX 5500 is probably one of the best all around keyboards to work with along with the MX Revolution mouse that comes with the MX 5500 kit.

For the wrist conscious the Microsoft Wave keyboard takes a load off of the curvature that a straight keyboard causes in the wrists and thus reduces pain there after a long day’s typing.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*Our original iMac was stolen (previous blog post). We now have a new MacBook Pro courtesy of Vlad Mazek, owner of OWN.

Windows Live Writer

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