Thursday 5 April 2012

What we do with a snow day :)

We are fortunate that the temps are really nice so outside we went.

What started as a dinosaur turned into a hybrid frog/hippo!

Have an awesome long weekend!

Thanks for reading. :)


Sent from my SBS 2011 integrated Windows Phone Mango


Anonymous said...

Looks beautiful!

Just curious what Mpecs do about visiting clients when you have had a large dump of snow? Are you expected to get there no matter the road conditions or are your clients understanding (they surely are in the same boat?).

Philip Elder Cluster MVP said...

We have a Sierra 4x4 with a limited slip lock-up rear end.

That means that a foot of snow is virtually a non-issue.

It is the other poorly equipped drivers that are a problem or the articulating buses that lose traction trying to climb a hill.

One needs to make sure to avoid them coming back down the hill! :)
