Tuesday 20 November 2012

A Moment Of Inspiration For Tough Times

As mentioned in my previous post I spent quite a few years in the automotive industry before getting bit by the Computer Bug.

We are now in the midst of a huge change in our industry on so many fronts that many of us feel a little lost for direction.

This angst has been the general theme/feeling at SMB Nation right through to the SBS User Group event we attended while in Dallas last week. Many of us are feeling the pinch.

Henry Ford: The Underdog

Just think for a moment if Henry Ford had threw in the towel. Where would we be?

Most certainly not where we are today with our transportation systems being a very key aspect throughout our lives. Not to mention the advancements in production he is responsible for.

We can and will make the transition from SBS to the new Windows Server 2012 Essentials stack including Exchange 2013 as a part of that solution!

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

Windows Live Writer

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