Wednesday 31 July 2013

Blackhat 2013 – NSA General Alexander’s Keynote

The director of the NSA, General Alexander, gave a keynote address at the Blackhat conference.

Mark Maunder gives a good overview of the speech along with his thoughts around it.

The blog post is a good read and a link to an audio recording of the speech is at the bottom of the post.

But in all seriousness, headlines seen lately that the latest leaks are hurting US based Cloud businesses should be expected. Not only that, but folks need to keep in mind that pretty much all countries have some sort of monitoring agency or agencies in place.

So, again the question is begged: Who owns the data and has access to it the moment it leaves the on-premises setup?

EDIT: Hat Tip: Susan Bradley

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

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