Thursday 12 February 2015

Hyper-V: Set Up An Internal Network For Host/Guest File and Service Sharing

Here’s a quick and simple How-To for setting up network communication between a Hyper-V host, both Server and Windows 8/8.1, and any guests.

  1. Hyper-V Manager --> R.Click ServerName --> Virtual Switch Manager --> New --> INTERNAL.
    • Note the description for the internal vSwitch.
    • image
  2. Click APPLY and OK
  3. Assign the newly created vSwitch – Internal to the required VM(s)
    • image
  4. On the HOST: Start –> NCPA.CPL [Enter] –> Set an IPv4 IP Address
    • image
    • Use a different subnet for this network than anything else on the host’s NICs.
  5. On the Guest: Start –> NCPA.CPL [Enter] –> Set an IPv4 IP Address
    • image
    • Note the host and the guest are assigned an IP on the same subnet.
  6. On either the Host or the Guest open Windows Explorer
  7. \\IPv4Address\
  8. Authenticate
    1. To host: Either MachineName\Username or DomainName\Username
    2. To guest: MachineName\Username
  9. Copy and paste files and access services as expected
    • image 

If there is a need to work with UNC paths, HTTPS and certificates, and more then make sure to set up a small VM running DNS and ADDS if needed. One could also put DHCP on that VM to make addressing simple.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Cluster MVP
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

Chef de partie in the SMBKitchen ASP Project
Find out more at
Third Tier: Enterprise Solutions for Small Business

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