Monday 9 July 2007

SBS - RWW Time Outs and Security

Quiz time folks! ;)

How many minutes before the RWW connection is killed when the "I'm using a public or shared computer" is checked?

How many minutes before it is killed with the box unchecked?

For all SBS users, there is nothing more important than having it trained into them over and over again to make sure that they always close and save their work and lock or log out of their workstation before walking away.

Even if it is for 5 minutes. That workstation and the data it accesses has to be protected.

Ever loose something because the program the data was residing in was closed due to an overnight forced reboot after an update?

Ever loose something because someone needed to remote into the workstation in the evening and nothing was closed or saved?

When it comes to remote access via the RWW, this little check box can mean the difference between the life and death of a company:

So, Internet Café, public library, public kiosk, or anywhere where there is a danger someone will mess with the RWW connected laptop/workstation (yes, even the kids) that check box should always be left checked!

And if there is a need to walk away from that remote session for whatever reason, lock it! From the Start Menu, click "Windows Security" if you see it and then click the Lock Computer button.

If the Windows Security option is not on the Start Menu, then it is up to us administrators to provide a way for remotely connected users to lock their workstations.

To do this create a shortcut on the desktop and type the following in the command line:

rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation

Click Next, name the Shortcut and click Finish. If needed, one can change the icon to whatever via Right Click-->Properties-->Shortcut Tab-->Change Icon button.

Copy that shortcut onto the network so that it is accessible to all users who remotely connect to their workstations and send them a note to put a copy of it on their own desktops and use it.

Or, enforce the Windows Security item be on the Start Menu via Group Policy.

Answers to the quiz:

Time out for Public/Shared: 20 minutes.
Time out for Public/Shared unchecked: 120 minutes.

Two hours eh? See why it is so critical?

Managing Windows XP Service Pack 2 Features Using Group Policy: XP SP2 GP Word Document.

Group Policy Settings Reference for Windows Server 2003 SP1: W2K3 SP1 GP Excel Spreadsheet.

Group Policy Settings Reference for Windows Server 2008: W2K8 GP Excel Spreadsheet.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists

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