Tuesday 16 February 2010

The Power Of A Little Preparation

So, here I am sitting in Edmonton International Airport. I pulled out the MacBook Pro and got ready to plug in the USB Internet stick after the MacBook finished booting.

But, no joy?!?

When I hit the power button on the MacBook, it did not power up . . . at all.

So, out came BoeHueemuth (Monster Truck name in a Quentin Terentino movie), the Tecra S10. It fired up okay and I was able to catch some of the women’s hockey while waiting for my flight to be called.

I got a few very surprised looks when a shorthanded goal was scored due to my overly enthusiastic, but whispered, “YES”! ;)

Then, while on the flight, I pulled out the Zone HD to have a listen to some tunes that fit what I was thinking about. It lasted about three songs before _it_ died!


Okay, so the MacBook was the result of leaving it on after running some updates, getting distracted, and moving on to other things. That killed the battery as it sat in its spot for quite a while before being picked up for this trip.

The Zune HD was used a lot without being plugged in to recharge and there was no thought to check the battery before leaving.

Being prepared, whether it is for a trip like yesterday’s, or for a job that we are about to undertake, or even for a proposal presentation to a prospective client is absolutely critical to our success.

Fortunately getting caught with the dead devices was not the end of the world, but it could have been really bad if I did not have the BoeHueemuth with me and I sat there in the airport feeling absolutely lost without any Olympic coverage! 8-0

Go Canada Go!  :)

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*Our original iMac was stolen (previous blog post). We now have a new MacBook Pro courtesy of Vlad Mazek, owner of OWN.

Windows Live Writer

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