Wednesday 8 June 2011

Intel Remote Management Module 3 – Error Opening Video Socket

We have hit a problem with the KVM setup in Intel’s RMM3:


Socket Error

Error opening video socket

This particular server was set up here in the shop using the RMM3 connection plugged into our local network. We took the server to our client’s site, plugged everything in, and subsequently went to test connectivity via one of our shop systems.

The RMM3 site came up okay but when we went to start a KVM session the above error happened.

A call into Intel’s support line did not yield any positive results either.

The proper method to try and ground zero both the RMM3 module and the BMC can be found at the bottom of the following Intel Support page:

If you need to reset to factory defaults (e.g. invalid user name or password)

A reset can be done with the syscfg utility.  Download syscfg for for the 5500 series or for the S3420GP series

  • Unzip the file and copy the folder UEFI_SYSCFG_V501_B23\ preferably to an USB key

  • Boot the server and enter the BIOS

  • Go to the Boot Manager menu and select the option to boot to EFI shell and enter

  • In the EFI shell prompt, type fs0: (0 is the device containing the sysconfig utility e.g. USB pen)

  • Browse to the directory with the sysconfig utility

  • The path has to be defined by entering: set SYSCFG_PATH fs0:\<syscfg_efi> where syscfg_efi is the folder containing all the files from the sysconfig utility

  • The settings can be reset by entering: syscfg –rfs

Given the above, we will be leaving a small amount of space on any bootable USB flash drive permanently plugged into the server and formatting it FAT32 so that utilities like this can be accessed via the EFI shell.

A post on the Intel Communities Web site was the only result in our searching:

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*Our original iMac was stolen (previous blog post). We now have a new MacBook Pro courtesy of Vlad Mazek, owner of OWN.

Windows Live Writer


Anonymous said...

Try ipmi command "mc reset cold" - it works for me.

Philip Elder Cluster MVP said...


Could you fill us in a bit more on the "how" please?

A step by step would be appreciated.



Anonymous said...

(Sorry for my poor English, I can read but I can't write. I am Russian.)

I have Intel SR2612UR (MB S5520UR) with RMM3 in a remote location.

I was seen the same "Error opening video socket".

After several unsuccessful attempts (including google, power off/on and other dance over ipmi) I tried
/usr/bin/ipmitool -H IP_ADDR_ipmi -U ipmi_user -P ipmi_password -A MD5 mc reset cold
(From CentOS 5, OpenIPMI-tools-2.0.16)

And now I have Cytrix XenServer reinstalled over KVM. :)


Philip Elder Cluster MVP said...


Awesome! Thank you very much for getting back to us.

Intel has an IPMI Command Test Tool as well.

We will look into it to see what we can do with it and what it does.

Thanks again! :)


Unknown said...

once you have installed ipmiutil launch this command:

ireset –k –N address –U user –P password