Saturday 8 August 2009

HP TouchSmart PC Beside an iMac 20”

Wow … the HP TouchSmart PC is an amazing machine.

In a way, we are talking about comparing Apples with Oranges, pun intended, but the TouchSmart sure open’s one’s eyes as to how the Apple iMac product has challenged the PC industry and brought about some pretty neat innovations.

iMac and HP TouchSmart Small

To be fair, the iMac in the photo is a 20” version that is in our shop because it BSODs on boot and won’t Safe Boot either. We will be working on it on Monday.

The HP is an iQ816 Core 2 Duo with a 26” LCD display and is on the bench because we are going to create the HP recovery DVDs then flatten the system and install Windows 7 Ultimate RTM to test out the OS on this particular hardware setup.

Our initial impressions of the HP TouchSmart PC are very positive. This is a really neat machine and we can see some pretty lucrative market directions for them.

The product Web site:

The business version of this particular product line will do very well for situations where desk space is at a minimum or there is the possibility of wall mounting the unit among others.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*All Mac on SBS posts will not be written on a Mac until we replace our now missing iMac! (previous blog post)

Windows Live Writer

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