Wednesday 26 August 2009

SBS 2003 Setup Checklist Updated

One of the first ever checklists we have produced was the SBS 2003 setup checklist.

The checklist is quite comprehensive and provides any new to SBS people a solid foundation to work from when it comes to learning SBS.

For those of us that have been around for a while, the checklist is a good thing to have to maintain consistency across all of the SBS OS installs that we do.

Setting up SBS, whether SBS 2003 as indicated above, or SBS 2008 (previous blog post), is a very complex task.

Doing the setup right the first time means a stable production environment for our clients for the two to three year period their servers will be in production. In some cases, such as our non-profit clients, those servers will be in production for four to six years!

When it comes to setting up SBS 2008, a lot of the thinking behind the way we set our SBS 2008 servers up can be found in my book:

Pick up a copy and bring it with you to SMB Nation Fall 2009 in Las Vegas and Harry and I will sign it!

There will also be a number of fellow SBS MVPs at the conference with Susan Bradley the SBS Diva being one of the key presenters!

The fall conference would also be a good time to bring your questions with you. Hopefully we will have time to get together and chat whether it be over coffee or perhaps lunch.

As always, please feel free to drop us a note if you have a quick question and we will do what we can to answer it when time permits.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*All Mac on SBS posts will not be written on a Mac until we replace our now missing iMac! (previous blog post)

Windows Live Writer

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