Friday 11 December 2009

Microsoft And A Zune HD

The reason for the low posting numbers this last week was due to my being in Redmond at the Microsoft campus with other MVPs for an MVP Deep Dive.

It was fun and amazing to meet all so many Microsoft folks that hail from so many different parts of the world.

As much as the folks on the outside, us, can give Microsoft a hard time for whatever, there is something to be said about a company of Microsoft’s size being able to attract such amazing talent from _everywhere_!

My glimpse into the Microsoft culture while on their main campus in Redmond was a real positive one. Kool-Aid? Maybe, but keep in mind that I have had my fair share of experience working for employers of various sizes and in various industries. And, based on that experience as limited as it is, Microsoft has something really neat going on there.

Okay, so on the way from the hotel in Bellevue to the airport I asked Dennis the Town Car driver if there was a Frys between us and the airport and he said there was one in Renten.

So, we stopped . . . and I picked up a Zune HD (Wikipedia – Official site does not seem to work) along with the in-car charger and broadcast component. Hopefully at some point we here in Canada will see the Zune HD product line released.



Neat! :) 

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*Our original iMac was stolen (previous blog post). We now have a new MacBook Pro courtesy of Vlad Mazek, owner of OWN.

Windows Live Writer

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