Thursday 28 July 2011

iSCSI Initiator – Driver Causes Spontaneous Reboots BSOD STOP 0x0000000a

When things went sideways with the iSCSI Software Target setup yesterday our SBS 2011 VM started to spontaneously BSOD on a 0x0000000a.

When it started to happen the first place we checked when we logged in was the MiniDump folder since the server was set to create one.


Unfortunately, the first run through with the Crash Dump Analyzer (part of Windows Desktop Software Assurance MDOP) the result was misinterpreted by myself.

So, as can be seen by the above, the server went through a few BSOD and reboot cycles before it sunk in that the problem was with iSCSI Initiator and _not_ the Hyper-V SCSI bus. :(



Once we managed to get into the iSCSI Initiator’s control panel and disconnect the missing iSCSI target and drive we regained stability.

Chalk the miss up to not taking a step back, taking a deep breath or ten, and then subsequently looking at the situation again with fresh eyes . . . which was done a bit later. ;)

Moral of the story: Make sure that the iSCSI attached backup destinations are _offline_ in Disk Management on the VM before making any changes at the iSCSI Software Target server.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*Our original iMac was stolen (previous blog post). We now have a new MacBook Pro courtesy of Vlad Mazek, owner of OWN.

Windows Live Writer

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