Thursday 9 October 2008

SBS - Adding Software Assurance to OEM or Retail SBS R2 Premium

With the window of opportunity closing in on the ability to get Software Assurance on SBS 2003 R2 Premium, here is the only door left open:
  • Purchase OEM SBS 2003 R2 Premium with new hardware: T75-02110
    • Note that OEM for SBS 2003 must be purchased with new hardware and remains tied to that hardware (motherboard) for its life with no Software Assurance attached.
    • OR
  • Purchase Retail Fully Packaged Product sBS 2003 R2 Premium: T75-01255
    • THEN
  • Purchase Software Assurance on SBS 2003 R2 Premium: T75-00935
    • Open Value Agreement with 3 year spread payment purchased in year 1.

Realistically, OEM would be the best route to go since adding Software Assurance unbinds that OEM license from the hardware and enables us to move that OS to new hardware if and when the time comes to upgrade it. The license becomes ours.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists

*All Mac on SBS posts are posted on our in-house iMac via the Safari Web browser.


stryqx said...

Timely. I've just got off the phone with Microsoft Australia confirming this.

The MS licensing representative said that as SBS 2008 is in the volume licensing channel, you will need to choose how many CALs are assigned to the Standard CAL SA and how many are assigned to the Premium CAL SA, only if you have purchased the Premium Edition of SBS 2003 R2.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so next question, what about adding SA to additional CAL 5 Packs, such as SKU:

User: T74-00002

What would be the way to add SA?