Tuesday 29 September 2009

A Really Bizarre Question?

One time or another, we see folks post screenshots of pop-up messages that seem to have no meaning or questions that puzzle us more than anything.

While working on a client’s Lenovo T500, this question popped up during a post reboot logon sequence:


Rescue and Recovery


Needless to say, the answer was a resounding, “NO”!

That pop-up only appeared the one time and has not been seen since. ;)

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*All Mac on SBS posts will not be written on a Mac until we replace our now missing iMac! (previous blog post)

Windows Live Writer


stryqx said...

I think this is an internationisation snafu.
What it should be asking is that Rescue and Recovery has yet to perform a backup and did you want to create recovery disks now.

Been seeing this on new Lenovo's for over a year now, but only when the Locale is set to English (Australia).

Anonymous said...

We get this all the time on both Lenovo ThinkCentres and ThinkPads. You might want to disable the Rescue & Recovery scheduled backup.

Start > All Programs > ThinkVantage > Rescue & Recovery

If you don't, we find our workstations begin to back themselves up and two years later the drive is full. You try to delete the backups but often it just dies and leaves it in a state where you can proceed no further. With, I hasten to add, all the backups still there.

Grteat job Lenovo!

Philip Elder Cluster MVP said...

This is the only Lenovo based client we have. We have had our fair share of interesting snafus with Lenovo product at this site.

Locale is English (Canada) iirc.
