Friday 2 March 2007

Logos, Images, and E-mail Spammers

To date, I have had our SBSC logo attached to the bottom of my e-mail signature.

For the last while, there have been a number of e-mail messages that have seemingly gone unanswered. That never clicked either until some one's filter finally sent me a response:

Your e-mail was rejected by an anti-spam content filter on gateway ..."Oh really?

I can see why now, with the proliferation of embedding the spam message into the e-mail via a small image that can't be "read" by the spam filters.

I find that the deterioration of e-mail communications to over 95% spam content over the last number of years saddening.

Perhaps when all of the window dressing that is now contained in an e-mail is no longer allowed at all by any major e-mail server out there, people will begin to wake up?

In the meantime, say bubbye to the logo. Put the Blog URL in there instead! :D

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists

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