Friday 27 June 2008

IE 8 Beta 1 - Check it out

Want to have a look at Microsoft's new Internet Explorer?

Then, head over to the IE 8 product page.

There you will find product information along with a link to download the beta.

IE 8 is among the rare few browsers to pass the CSS Acid2 Test (Previous blog post).

For Web Developers, check out the IE 8 Readiness Toolkit. This site will provide a quick reference on the features of IE 8 with you in mind.

In my mind, IE 8, and the push to have it standards compliant is huge. For those who know Web coding, and the quirks and struggles one needs to take to get a site to show up properly in multiple browsers, having all browsers standards compliant will alleviate a lot of coding stress ... and ultimately costs.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists

*All Mac on SBS posts are posted on our in-house iMac via the Safari Web browser.


Anonymous said...

Philip, what do you mean by "IE 8 is among the rare few browsers to pass the CSS Acid2 Test" ?

It is THE LAST of the 5 major browsers to pass Acid2.

Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Konqueror passed Acid2 back in 2005. (BTW, that's before IE7 was released.)

Acid3 is the more recent, and IE8 won't even try for this one.

Philip Elder Cluster MVP said...


I may be a bit out of date since I haven't done a lot of coding in the last year or so.

As I recall, Opera 9.x was the first. FF did not, at least the versions I was using, and neither did Safari.

So, good call.

Thanks for the comment.
