Monday 12 January 2009

Some thoughts on SBS 2008

We have been having some of the craziest days lately! 8-O

Fortunately, all of the fires we have been working on have been solvable, or not too critical in nature.

We have done a number of SBS 2008 setups over the last little while with most of them being a non-migration of existing domains. From a really messed up Active Directory setup, a failing SBS with all kinds of hiccup issues, to a brand new set up where there was nothing to start off with, we have seen a lot of good things with SBS 2008.

The migration side of things we are saving for our own domain first. We will virtualize our current SBS 2003 R2 Premium and proceed to chop it up into little bits over and over again (hopefully only a couple of times).

For now, with the timing crunch here, suffice it to say that SBS 2008 really does improve things from both a user and admin perspective.

It is well worth the step up from SBS 2003.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists

*All Mac on SBS posts are posted on our in-house iMac via the Safari Web browser.

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