Thursday 12 August 2010

SQL Server Install Error: Rule “Restart Computer” failed.

So, we get this error when we go to install a new instance of SQL 2008 on a dedicated Windows Server 2008 Standard x64 box:


Rule Check Result

Rule “Restart computer” failed.

A computer restart is required. You must restart this computer before installing SQL Server.

But, we _just_ restarted it because of that error?!?

A quick search turned up the following:

The Forum post suggest that we look at the following registry key:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\PendingFileRenameOperations

Sure enough, when we look into the registry, we find the culprit:


We deleted the content in that key since whatever the HP driver was trying to do it was failing at it miserably.


Of course, we Exported the Session Manager key _before_ deleting the content!

When we click the Re-run button in the SQL Server 2008 Setup window we were greeted with:


Restart Computer: Passed

We were good to go on installing that needed instance.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*Our original iMac was stolen (previous blog post). We now have a new MacBook Pro courtesy of Vlad Mazek, owner of OWN.

Windows Live Writer


Evelyn López, age: 25. said...

What do you mean by "we Exported the Session Manager key _before_ deleting" ? well, by "exported".
To Where?
I am having this issue, but I'm just a newbie.
Can you explain this to me?

Evelyn López, age: 25. said...

forget about my last comment.
I did what you say and I passed the check!
Thanks a lot for sharing this solution.
My gmail in case you want to give some feedback:

Philip Elder Cluster MVP said...


By default, we export the key we will be making changes to _before_ we make those changes. Just in case.


Amit Pandey said...

thanks great its working f9
i really thankful to u..........

Azad said...

Can you help me?
I got the error: Restart Computer failed: while installing SQL sever-2012 in Windows server-2012 standard edition. I got your post and trying to find out the session manager Key. but could not find it??
C/Windows/system32/.?? to find the path??

Sreejith said...

Great ....Solved my issue