SequoiaView - Vista System Partition
The current root view is Program Files. Each Program Files sub folder is defined by a border, in this case the yellow one, with each grouping within it indicating more sub folders.
Each unique square visually represents a file. The larger the square, the larger the file.
You can enable a colour view to get a quick idea of what the file types are too:
SequoiaView in Colour
The screenshots in this post were pulled from the XP version of the utility running on Windows Vista Ultimate x86. We have yet to test it on an x64 OS.
This utility is definitely one to have on the Technician's Thumb Drive!
Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
*All Mac on SBS posts are posted on our in-house iMac via the Safari Web browser.
Have a look at Windirstat. You'll find it at : http://windirstat.info/
It does everything that you mention here but also give a traditional file view. Best of all it is free!
Robert Crane
There's also JDiskReport which also does a similar job to WinDirStat.
Try Directory Report
It looks like the MS-Explorer but shows folder size in bytes
No confusing colored blocks
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