Tuesday 3 March 2009

SBS 2008 – Companyweb - NT Authority\Network Service Login Failed

We have seen this error after applying some of the most recent SQL updates. As of yet, we have not managed to pinpoint the source of the breakage yet, but we know it is happening elsewhere:

We found out about it when we went to move the Windows SharePoint Services databases on a new SBS 2008 installation that had already received the updates.

The move process choked with a message indicating that the process will need to be finished manually.

From there, we received a “Cannot connect to configuration database” for both the SharePoint Admin and Companyweb sites.

Up to now, the amount of time we have put into this situation has been way beyond what we should have put into it. We are cutting our losses and restoring SBS to the night before the updates when everything was known to be working. Fortunately we are working with one of our lab SBS 2008 boxes and a relatively fresh install.

From there, we will see if we can determine just what broke what, or even if the NT Authority\Network Service Login Failed error existed at that point. If so, perhaps we will be able to get to the bottom of it prior to attempting the move since the error was the catalyst in SharePoint’s failing altogether.

As an afterthought, make sure to verify that Microsoft##SSEE is happy in the SBS 2008 Application Log before running the SharePoint Move Data Wizard. This way things do not go any further than trying to troubleshoot the Network Service login failure.

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists

*All Mac on SBS posts will not be written on a Mac until we replace our now missing iMac!

Windows Live Writer

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